#8 Type Conversion in Java

#8 Type Conversion in Java

#8 Type Conversion in Java

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In this lecture we are discussing:
1)What is type conversion or type casting ?
2)Different ways to casting?
a)implicit type casting or automatic type casting
b)explicit type casting
3)What is effect of implicit and explicit type casting?
a) Narrowing conversion
4)Type promotion when we do operation

What is type conversion or type casting ?
— type conversion or type casting is the process of converting a value from one data type to another data type.
e.g int num=5; long l=num;

Different ways to casting
a) Implicit type casting :-
It is way to in which compiler automatically convert smaller size data type in larger.
e.g int num=4; long l=num; //now num value converted to long

b) Explicit type casting :-
manually when programmer cast one data type into other is known as explicit type casting.
e.g float fl=4.5f; int num=fl; — num value become 4;

syntax for conversion:
type1 x=value; //higher size
type2 y=(datatype of type2)x;

What is effect of type casting ?
— one effect is narrowing conversion
i.e Narrowing conversions can be done from a larger data type to a smaller data type, but they can result in loss of precision or data.
e.g float fl=5.6f; int num=fl; loss of 0.6 precision now value of num is 5.

Note: if you want convert
— you get error . e.g int i=5; byte b=i; //give error
–in most cases conversion of higher datatype to lower data type give error
1. incompatible types: possible lossy conversion from long to byte
2. incompatible types: possible lossy conversion from double to int
3. incompatible types: possible lossy conversion from float to int
4. incompatible types: possible lossy conversion from double to byte
5. incompatible types: possible lossy conversion from float to byte
6. incompatible types: possible lossy conversion from double to short
7. incompatible types: possible lossy conversion from float to short
8. incompatible types: possible lossy conversion from double to long
9. incompatible types: possible lossy conversion from float to long
10. incompatible types: possible lossy conversion from double to char
— these are some cases

Type promotion :-
when we do arithmetic operation on two different data types, java will promote the smaller data type to the larger data type
int / int = int
int / float = float
int * float = float
short * short = int
short * int = int
short * long = long
byte * byte = int

byte b=120; byte c=120;
System.out.println(a*b); //14400

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