20 How to create Pod using Kubectl command (Imperative Mode) with Port and Label Options?

20 How to create Pod using Kubectl command (Imperative Mode) with Port and Label Options?

20 How to create Pod using Kubectl command (Imperative Mode) with Port and Label Options?

How to create Pod using Kubectl command (Imperative Mode) with Port and Label Options?

To create a Pod using the kubectl command in imperative mode with port and label options, you can use the following command:

kubectl run pod-name –image=container-image –port=container-port –labels=key1=value1,key2=value2,…

Here’s a breakdown of the command:

pod-name: Replace this with the desired name for your Pod.

–image=container-image: Specify the container image you want to use for your Pod.

–port=container-port: Specify the port number to expose in the container.

–labels=key1=value1,key2=value2,…: Assign labels to your Pod by providing comma-separated key-value pairs.

For example, let’s create a Pod named “webserver” using the “nginx:1.16-alpine” container image, exposing port 80, and assigning a label “app=web”:

kubectl run webserver –image=nginx:1.16-alpine –port=80 –labels=app=nginxweb

Once executed, the Pod will be created with the specified configuration. You can verify its creation using the kubectl get pods command.

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