Rebuilding Parrot and Using Ansible to Script Customizations to My Image

Rebuilding Parrot and Using Ansible to Script Customizations to My Image

Rebuilding Parrot and Using Ansible to Script Customizations to My Image

The Github Repo:

00:00 – Intro downloading the HTB Edition of Parrot and talking about basic VM Things
02:20 – Talking about using Ansible to install software after and why we should not use Snapshot’s for a long-term solution.
04:00 – Parrot has been installed! Fixing up the Terminal real quick and talking about how to set the prompt like I have it
08:00 – Installing Ansible with apt
09:30 – Creating our first playbook, doing some quick introduction things
15:30 – Creating an Ansible Role to configure tmux
21:50 – Looking at all the ansible_facts to see the variable where our home is stored
24:20 – Using the copy module in ansible to copy files to our users home directory
27:55 – Start creating an ansible role for customizing our terminal
30:10 – Looking at how Mate Terminal creates profiles and exporting our settings so ansible can load it. Lots of using dconf
37:50 – Using Ansible to start configuring mate terminal
38:27 – Creating a new fact (variable) and using regex_replace to remove the last character, so we can append to the list.
43:30 – Using when, so an ansible task will be skipped if the string ‘video’ is in profile_list.
48:10 – Creating an Ansible Role to install tools such as Kerbrute
49:15 – This time our role will have multiple task files, so when we have 100 tools we will be able to easily remove tools we don’t want
51:10 – Using the ansible shell module to run multiple commands
55:30 – Ansible script complete! Rebuilt my VM and am running the script to see if it works
57:10 – Looking at the role that errored, showing when there are no profiles /org/mate/terminal/global does not exist
58:00 – Adding another check to create a standard profile_list.value when profile_list is None
59:40 – Re-running our playbook and having our parrot built!

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