How to debug Angular 16 in Visual Studio Code?

How to debug Angular 16 in Visual Studio Code?

How to debug Angular 16 in Visual Studio Code?

0:00 – Introduction
0:06 – Topic Discussion: Debugging Angular Applications in Visual Studio Code
0:20 – Prerequisite: Angular project setup, Visual Studio Code & Google Chrome
0:36 – Enabling JavaScript Debugger in Visual Studio Code
0:52 – Navigating to Debug View and Configuring launch.json
1:21 – Preparing Angular application for Debugging
1:46 – Starting Server in Debug Mode
2:27 – Launching Application and Setting Breakpoints
2:38 – Debugging with Breakpoints
3:14 – Pausing Code Execution
3:24 – Understanding and Reviewing Variables at Breakpoint
3:43 – Monitoring Specific Variables & Evaluating Expressions
4:07 – Examining Variable Values and Execution Flow
4:27 – Inspecting Global Variables and Closure
4:45 – Understanding Call Stack Area
5:06 – Managing List of Breakpoints
5:28 – Resuming Code Execution & Debugging Further
6:02 – Stopping the Debugger
6:22 – Conclusion: Importance of Debugging Practice

This tutorial video guides you through the process of debugging Angular applications in Visual Studio Code. Starting with prerequisites like setting up an Angular project, having Visual Studio Code, and Google Chrome installed, the video leads you to enable JavaScript Debugger in Visual Studio Code. You’ll then navigate to Debug View and configure launch.json before preparing your Angular application for debugging. After starting the server in debug mode, you learn to set breakpoints and debug with them, pausing code execution, reviewing variables at the breakpoint, and understanding execution flow. Additionally, the tutorial covers monitoring specific variables and evaluating expressions, examining variable values, inspecting global variables and closure, understanding the call stack area, managing a list of breakpoints, and finally stopping the debugger.

#Angular #Debugging #VisualStudioCode #JavaScriptDebugger #CodeExecution #Breakpoints #Variables #Expressions #GlobalVariables #Closure #CallStack #Debugger

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