C# Reflection Explained | Reflection In C# | C# Tutorial Reflection Example |C# Tutorial|Simplilearn

“This video on C# Reflection Explained will clearly explain Reflections in C#. In this C# tutorial on Reflection in C#, you will get a proper Introduction To C# Reflection Explained. We will begin our session with a discussion on What is Metadata, followed by a brief discussion on C# Reflection. Then we will have an in-depth discussion on the type class. Following that, we will implement some of the methods we learned during this session with a simple demo. Finally, we will conclude this session with a quick look into the applications of C# Reflection.

The topics covered in this video are:

✅ 00:00 Introduction to Reflection In C#
C# Reflection Explained Video Start with the introduction to Reflection in C#.
✅ 01:37 What is metadata In C# Tutorial on Reflection In C#?
In C# Reflection Explained Video, this segment will discuss What is Metadata.
✅ 02:57 What is Reflection In C# Tutorial on Reflection In C#
In C# Reflection Explained Video, this segment will go in-depth to explain reflection in C#.
✅ 05:11 Type Class In C# Tutorial on Reflection In C#
In C# Reflection Explained Video, this segment is over the Type Class in C#.
✅ 07:57 Demo In C# Tutorial on Reflection In C#
In C# Reflection Explained Video, this segment will demonstrate how to implement Reflection.
✅ 35:21 Application to reflections In C# Tutorial on Reflection In C#
In C# Reflection Explained Video, this segment will conclude this session by discussing some of the applications of C# reflection.

📅Dataset: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Irb73LiEY_eZrWtAPQoL0YcQwXriyNUC/view?usp=sharing”

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👩🏻‍💻Dataset: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Irb73LiEY_eZrWtAPQoL0YcQwXriyNUC/view?usp=sharing

This video on Reflection In C# Tutorial covers the following topics
We will begin our session with a discussion on What is Metadata
followed by a brief discussion on C# Reflection
Then we will have an in-depth discussion on the “type” class.
Following that, we will implement some of the methods we learned during this session with a simple demo.
Finally, we will conclude this session with a quick look into the applications of C# Reflection.

❓What is C# Programming?
C# is a modern, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language pronounced: “C sharp.” It was created inside the.Net project by Microsoft, led by Anders Hejlsberg and his team, and was authorized by the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) and the International Standards Organization (ISO). C# is one of the languages supported by the Common Language Infrastructure, and the current version is 7.2. C# is syntactically similar to Java and is simple for users familiar with C, C++, or Java.

❓What is Meta Data in C#?
Metadata is binary data stored in memory or a language runtime portable executable file. Data is moved to another file section when you build code from a portable executable file. Before copying the code to another file partition, it is translated to MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language).

What is Reflection in C#?
Reflection is defined in computer science as “the technique through which a computer program may view and adjust its structure and behavior.” The “System.Reflection” namespace contains the classes that provide access to a running program’s Metadata. The namespace “System.Reflection” allows you to acquire information about the loaded assemblies and their constituents, such as classes, methods, and value types.

👉To know about C++ programming, visit: https://www.simplilearn.com/c-plus-plus-programming-for-beginners-article?utm_campaign=C#ReflectionExplained&utm_medium=Description&utm_source=youtube

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