How to Deploy Angular Application On Tomcat Server | Angular Internationalization | Webtican

How to Deploy Angular Application On Tomcat Server | Angular Internationalization | Webtican

How to Deploy Angular Application On Tomcat Server | Angular Internationalization | Webtican

Step by Step For Deployment for Angular Application On Tomcat Server :
How to Run Angular Application
1. Install Angular using CLI command.
2. Create Your Project ng new { name}
3. ng serve to run the application through nodejs server.

Now how to run same application through Tomcat server.
1. Go to the application directory
2. cd {application path }
3. run command : ng build –base-href=/{application name }/

It will create a “dict” folder in the application folder.
4. Copy it and paste it to : webapps in tomcat folder with a name of project.
C:Program FilesApache Software FoundationTomcat 9.0webapps
5. Go to Tomcat – bin — in the start the server by running startup.bat or tomcat exe.

It will Assign you a port number i.e — [“http-nio-8080”]

How to Run project
1. open browser.. go to — http://localhost:8080
It will load tomcat page..

2. Open the project by mentioning the application path after port number http://localhost:8080/angular/

Angular Tutorial :
#angular #tomcat #deployment #Angular_on_tomcat

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