Steam Deck: Access Deck's Drives As A Drives on Windows (SSH+SSHFS) – New 2023 Edition

Steam Deck: Access Deck's Drives As A Drives on Windows (SSH+SSHFS) – New 2023 Edition

Steam Deck: Access Deck's Drives As A Drives on Windows (SSH+SSHFS) - New 2023 Edition

This supersedes my original video and has been fully updated with tricks and workarounds for those that originally had issues.

Access your Deck’s storage using whatever file manager or tools you want ON AND FROM Windows. In a few minutes, you can copy roms, access compatdata, backup/restore save files and more without ever leaving the comfort of Windows.

In about five minutes, you will have your Steam Deck mounted as a drive letter in Windows – accessing them just like another Windows drive.

You won’t believe how fast and easy it is to manage your files on the Deck using this SSH/SSHFS method and it is totally free and open source.

Note: Windows 10 Pro is shown, other versions of 10 and Windows 11 should work exactly the same. Windows 11 may already have WinGet installed. You may have to use your Steam Deck’s IP address instead of “steamdeck” in your mounting (depending on your network and OS).

if you have issues with Winget reporting a problem, execute this command. that should fix it: winget source reset –force

SSHFS Git Repo:

Steam Deck Commands:
sudo systemctl enable sshd
sudo systemctl start sshd
sudo systemctl status sshd

WinGet Installs:
winget install WinFsp.WinFsp
winget install SSHFS-Win.SSHFS-Win

Common Drive Mount Points:
SD card


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