[Playlist] OST 因为遇见你/Bởi vì được gặp em (Because of you)

[Playlist] OST 因为遇见你/Bởi vì được gặp em (Because of you)

[Playlist] OST 因为遇见你/Bởi vì được gặp em (Because of you)

OST 因为遇见你 2016
Main casts: 邓伦 (李云恺),孙怡 (张果果)

*Want to pay me a cup of coffee (I’m super thankful)

*Connect with me:
IG: @captainmochi24

*I do not own the musics. If the owner has any issue with copyright contents, please contact through my email to get it deletes as soon as possible. Thank you.

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