Top 10 Real-life WebSocket Use Cases and Experiences

Top 10 Real-life WebSocket Use Cases and Experiences

Top 10 Real-life WebSocket Use Cases and Experiences

This talk walks you through 10 widely used WebSocket scenarios, providing detailed topology and deployment overview of them. The presentation discusses the various client technologies, including HTML5, Java, native iOS and Android, and Raspberry Pi, and Arduino for the IoT use cases. The use cases range from simple chat, and collaboration scenarios through second screen, and real-time stock quotes all the way to collecting telemetry data from sensors and controlling physical devices over the Web. Every demo comes with a code samples, too. The presentation discusses challenges of real-life WebSocket deployments, including hostile proxies, firewalls, and routers, offers scalability and security considerations.

Richard Cullen
Rich is Senior Solutions Architect at KAAZING. With recent exposure to many different verticals, Rich is excited by the possibilities that truly end-to-end event-driven web architectures can bring to widely diverse use cases, as we move rapidly towards the “Internet Of Things”.

With considerable experience in various technologies including Enterprise Messaging, .NET and JavaScript, Rich has been working in web development and back-end systems integration since joining Cap Gemini in 1998. Since then he spent the majority of his time pre-KAAZING in the finance and travel industries, concentrating on

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