The 5 Fastest Web Hosting Services in 2021 (Supported with 47 Test Sites & Speed Data)

In this video, we narrow down the top 5 fastest web hosts. We’ve based this on 47 test websites that we hosted on a range of web host providers.
See the list here –


Speed is highly important to any website. As a matter of fact, I’d go as far as to say it’s the most important aspect of site building!

People really dislike waiting for slow loading sites. They don’t necessarily know it, but no one is willing to wait longer than 5 seconds for a site to load. As a matter of fact, people expect sites to be loaded in less than a second.

A fast loading site provides users with a good website experience. It’s also highly important for sales, as poor loading speeds would just make them feel like your website is untrustworthy.

Website loading speed consists of 2 major elements: Server Speed, and Core Web Vitals.
Server speed depends on your web hosting provider. If they have good servers, you’ll enjoy good server response times

Core Web Vitals are Google’s very own tools to quantify website experience. If your Web Vital scores are poor, you’ll diminish the chances of getting ranked on Google searches. Out of the 3 elements of Web Vitals, 2 of them are highly dependent on server speed!

There are many things you can do to optimise server speed and Core Web Vitals, but the quickest way to do this is to switch to a faster, more reliable web hosting provider, hence the reason for this video!

To test each web hosting provider’s performance, we purchased accounts, set up test sites (at the time of writing we maintain a total of 47 test websites) and installed a stock WordPress theme on each. We then measured their server response times with our speed test tool.

The 5 fastest web hosts are then shortlisted, taking in to account their features, pricing, support, strengths, weaknesses and our own preferences.

We hope that you can apply our methods of data driven research through our server speed checker tool to do your own research, or you could just choose to trust our recommendations and dive straight into the host that we recommend!


Fastest Web Hosting
0:00 Intro
2:05 SiteGround
3:02 Hostinger
4:11 A2 Hosting
5:22 GreenGeeks
6:29 Kinsta
7:28 Final Thoughts

See the full list here –

#bestwebhosting #hostingerreview #fastestwebhosting #siteground #hostinger

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