Microsoft SQL Server licensing and cost optimisation [blueprint]

Microsoft SQL Server licensing and cost optimisation [blueprint]

Microsoft SQL Server licensing and cost optimisation [blueprint]

Do you want to optimise SQL Server licensing and related costs? We’re sharing our experience and our approach that let our customers shift over $20m in total from waste* to growth.

* Shall we graciously call it “charitable donations to Microsoft” instead?

In this session, we’re sharing:

– Tips on reducing SQL Server licensing costs
– How to maximise existing investment
– Real potential vs “nice ideas.”
– Pitfalls to watch out for
– And most importantly, STEP BY STEP process blueprint

0:00 Intro, who we are and who should you care 🙂
4:15 The complexity of Microsoft SQL Server licensing
9:30 How much is the potential to save on SQL Server optimisation
12:15 There is more to optimisation than just licensing costs
14:45 What is the best time to start an optimisation exercise
18:57 What if you are moving to Azure? Is there any cost avoidance?
22:12 Step 1. Goals, events, sponsors.
25:56 Step 2. Gather your team
27:10 Step 3. Establish your baseline licensing position
32:15 How to collect SQL Server inventory properly
36:00 Microsoft License Statement is not your entire entitlement
42:35 How to split your SQL Server instances into categories
49:00 The best way to achieve cost optimisation with SQL Server
56:26 SQL Server Unlimited Virtualisation – does it make any sense?
1:02:50 Physical clusters are underrated – savings are easy
1:06:50 You may reuse your licenses in Azure and save
1:08:30 Assess the whole picture, labour costs, support costs
1:10:10 The next steps after assessment
1:11:05 It’s not just about a technical project. Commercial considerations.
1:18:10 Answering your questions

We usually don’t dive deep into licensing and tools in our Wednesday strategic sessions. We have Monday Morning Microsoft live streams for that. But this time, we simply cannot avoid it.

So, whether you are
– a decision-maker looking for peace of mind around Microsoft,
– a procurement hero getting the kick out of cost avoidance “eureka”,
– or a frontline SAM warrior,

we hope you’ll find this interactive [now recorded] live stream useful. (And not too dull. Nobody likes boring webinars).

BTW, did you notice “interactive” above? Next time when we have a live stream, bring your questions with you. We love your questions. SAMexpert community loves your questions. In fact, you may even get a prize.

Want us to solve your licensing headaches?
We’ll figure out a way to do it with zero BS and zero waste.
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#Microsoft #ITProcurement #MicrosoftLicensing

Please watch: “Learn Windows Server 2022 Licensing in one hour”

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