Deploy a Decentralized React App on DFINITY's Internet Computer Using Fleek

Deploy a Decentralized React App on DFINITY's Internet Computer Using Fleek

Deploy a Decentralized React App on DFINITY's Internet Computer Using Fleek

How do you go about deploying a decentralized React app on DFINITY’S Internet Computer?

With Fleek, of course!

In this short tutorial, we will start with an app created with create-react-app and walk through the step-by-step process of deploying it on the Internet Computer.

● What is Fleek Hosting?
0:00 What is Fleek Hosting?
● What is DFINITY and the Internet Computer?
1:21 What is DFINITY and the Internet Computer?
● Creating a React App
2:32 Creating a React app
● Deploying to Fleek
4:37 Deploying to Fleek
● Canister Proxying Settings
8:30 Canister Proxying Setting
● Internet Computer File Size Limit
9:57 Internet Computer File Size Limit


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