Delphi: Bridge guy eyewitness interview surfaces in documentary

Delphi: Bridge guy eyewitness interview surfaces in documentary

Delphi: Bridge guy eyewitness interview surfaces in documentary

Hannah Shakespeare is a woman who, in 2019, interviewed one of the eyewitnesses who is alleged to have encountered bridge guy in 2017.

This is very new footage just making the rounds. Here is the link to the full documentary on Fig Solves’ page:

It is extremely relevant, because for the first time, rather than speculation, we have documentation and footage of this witness, whom I am sure is currently under a gag order, providing definitive answers about what she saw that day.

I highly encourage everyone to watch the documentary in the link above after watching my video. While I do not agree with some of Hannah’s theories, the fact she took time to locate this eyewitness and speak with her on film is incredibly valuable to our understanding of this investigation and its timeline.

This witness was key to establishing that and her encounter led to the original sketch of bridge guy.

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