Best Web Hosting 🎯 Which web hosting company is best? | Special Black Friday Deal

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Free CDN (XDN by WPX)
WPX Hosting includes a free CDN. If you haven’t heard of the term before, it stands for Content Delivery Network.

Here’s how they work:

Usually, the further a visitor is away from the physical location of your website’s server, the longer it takes for your website to load.

A CDN provider, once activated on your website, will serve your website’s assets from a location closer to the visitor. This means you reduce latency and improve page load times.

Currently WPX’s CDN is available from 30+ global locations and can be enabled with a few clicks from the dashboard.

You’ll need to be using WPX’s nameservers or update your DNS using the CDN’s IP addresses within your account.

You can also choose to backup your sites manually. This is good practice to do before any update to ensure you don’t lose any changes if anything goes wrong.

Automated backups are a standard offering for most managed WordPress hosting companies these days.

Free speed optimization
Very rarely will you find WordPress hosting that will optimize your website and speed it up for free.

If you want to take WPX Hosting up on this deal, open up a support ticket and ask them to optimize your site. They’ll run some tests to find out what’s slowing down your site, make some tweaks, and provide some additional recommendations for you.

WPX Pros:

Great for beginners – The dashboard is very easy to navigate. If you want to eliminate any technical hurdles, this makes WPX Hosting a solid option.
Near perfect uptime – Looking at my uptime tracking, my sites on WPX Hosting have had very few issues with downtime. And only one significant bit of downtime in the past 8+ years.
Responsive customer support – Some hosts don’t seem too fussed about fixing problems. WPX Hosting is different. You can speak to someone on live chat within minutes usually. And in most cases, they’ll be able to fix the issue. If they can’t, you’ll get transferred to email support which is slower but still quite fast usually.
Free CDN – WPX Hosting have their own CDN called WPX XDN and it operates from over 30 locations over the globe. You can activate it within a few clicks within your dashboard.
Automated backups and staging site creation – This is quite typical of most web hosts but it’s important regardless.
Free malware recovery – If your site gets hacked or loaded with malware, WPX Hosting will fix up your site for you. No need to pay extra to a company like Sucuri.
Email hosting included – Unlike a lot of WordPress managed hosts, WPX Hosting offers email hosting. While it’s basic and I would recommend an external provider for added redundancy, it’s still useful to have and saves paying out extra money.
Pricing is based on bandwidth – I’m not a fan of the visitor based pricing other WordPress hosts do because it gets expensive fast. That’s not an issue with WPX Hosting because their pricing is usage based. Even on my higher traffic sites, I didn’t max out on my bandwidth usage.

I hope you found value in our Best Web Hosting Video!


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00:00 – best web hosting for WordPress Introduction.
00:14 – best web hosting for WordPress projects summary.
04:54- best web hosting for WordPress projects outro.

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