ESO – Stamina Nightblade PvE 131.6k DPS Build – Scribes of Fate (u37)

ESO – Stamina Nightblade PvE 131.6k DPS Build – Scribes of Fate (u37)

ESO - Stamina Nightblade PvE 131.6k DPS Build - Scribes of Fate (u37)

Hello guys. I wanted to update my stamblade video as my previous build from this patch is out of date and no longer meta. I had a 132k in a different parse but my game froze for several seconds on the last gcd💀. This could likely be my last video from update 37, as I will be spending most of my free time on u38 pts which comes out next week. So thank you all for your support this patch! I didn’t get to all of the classes that I wanted to finish, but will continue in update 38!

Race: Dark Elf
Mundus: Thief
Food: Green max stam
Pots: Essence of weapon power

CMX/Build info:

Swapped to zaans for slightly more damage over kjalnar, and wound up slotting carve on the front bar. The rotation is similar to before. Make sure to keep up path/cloak for their respective buffs. Start using killers blade at 32%. Keep firing the bow until 22% and then keep 5 stacks for the rest of the parse. Keep berserk up until 20%. Try to keep path/cloak up deep into execute but dont recast them after 8-10%. At that point just use killers blade until the end of the parse. Cast concealed weapon to swap bars when needed rather then attempting to swap off of wrecking blow. Keep in mind this is a damage loss so it should only be done when needed.

Thank you for watching. Don’t hesitate to ask questions!

Check out my other Scribes of Fate parses:
130.6k MagDk:
137.2k StamSorc:
128.2k MagPlar:
131.4k StamPlar:
131k MagSorc:

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