Instalare Software Autovehicule Delphi DS150e 2016.0 / Install Delphi DS150e 2016.0 Cars Software

Instalare Software Autovehicule Delphi DS150e 2016.0 / Install Delphi DS150e 2016.0 Cars Software

Instalare Software Autovehicule Delphi DS150e 2016.0  / Install Delphi DS150e 2016.0 Cars Software

In acest videoclip va este prezentata instalarea software-ului Delphi versiunea 2016.0 pentru autovehicule. Urmati pasii prezentati in videoclip si veti reusi. In cazul in care intampinati probleme, ma puteti contacta prin formularul de contact prezent pe site-ul sau prin comentariu la videoclipul acesta.

Pentru a descarca acest program va trebui sa accesati site-ul (acest site contine si documente in care sunt prezentate marcile si modelele de autovehicule suportate de aceasta versiune de software). In partea de sus a paginii veti gasi sectiunea Delphi 2016, accesati aceasta sectiune iar mai jos veti gasi butonul de descarcare. Pentru a descarca acest program va trebui sa introduceti o parola, parola pentru versiunea 2016.0 este 8K0xcIGY12cASbo4PNdeb39nZ_HvAdloL7MKUebAIRs.

-Pentru instalarea/actualizarea driverelor (No VCI Found nu va aparea) dati click mai jos:

-Pentru un scurt test dati click mai jos:

This video shows the installation of Delphi software version 2014.2 for vehicles. Follow the steps in the video and you will succeed. In case you have problems, you can contact me through the contact form on the website or by commenting on this video.

To download this program you have to access the website (this site also contains documents showing the makes and models of vehicles supported by this version of software). At the top of the page you will find the Delphi 2014 section, access this section and below you will find the download button. To download this program you will need to enter a password, the password for 2014.2 version is NGIY7iSrAFqcGvCwzVUT7riC4ffFZWppn7nuzbT3lq4.

-To install / update drivers (No VCI Found will not appear) click below:

-For a short test click below:

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