How TCP Works | tcp receive window | tcp deepdive

How TCP Works | tcp receive window | tcp deepdive

How TCP Works | tcp receive window | tcp deepdive

In this video, we will explore the concept of TCP Receive Window and how it affects the data transmission process in the TCP protocol.

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a fundamental protocol of the Internet that enables reliable data transfer between devices. In TCP, data is divided into segments that are transmitted between devices. The receiver uses a sliding window mechanism to manage the flow of data.

The tcp Receive Window is the buffer size in the receiver’s computer that stores incoming data. It is used by the receiver to inform the sender how much data it can receive at a given time. The sender uses this information to regulate the transmission rate of data and avoid overloading the receiver’s buffer.

In this video, we will explain how the ” tcp receive window ” works in detail and its impact on the performance of the TCP protocol. We will cover topics such as the calculation of the TCP Receive Window size, the role of the Window Scale Option, and the effects of latency and packet loss on the TCP Receive Window.

We will also demonstrate the use of Wireshark, a popular network protocol analyzer, to capture and analyze TCP packets, including the TCP Receive Window field.

By the end of this video, you will have a thorough understanding of TCP Receive Window and its importance in ensuring reliable data transmission in the TCP protocol. Whether you’re a network engineer, a software developer, or simply interested in computer networking, this video will provide valuable insights into TCP and its workings.

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