LIVE!! Intuitive Oracle w/Gemma Jade & Ghostdragonzw

LIVE!! Intuitive Oracle w/Gemma Jade & Ghostdragonzw

LIVE!! Intuitive Oracle w/Gemma Jade & Ghostdragonzw

Hello my beautiful gemstones and thank you so much for coming and hanging out with us! Please know that Gemma works for donation only and YouTube takes 49 percent of all donations and ad revenue. Ad revenue is extremely low for such a small channel so I depend on you guys to get paid every month! If you enjoyed your reading and if I was on point, for whatever other reason, please consider donating through the links below. Also, Superthanks in the comments
CashApp: $GemmaJadeYT

For a personal reading from Gemma or to order a homemade, handcrafted Spiritual Mist, Spiritual Helper Gift Box, a variety of spiritual bath salts, tons of other metaphysical and spiritual items or an autographed copy of any or all of her books please email her at [email protected]

A remote general reading is $40
If you have questions you may ask up to 3 and/or if you specifically want a love reading it’s $80
And both of these can go anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.
If you’d like a face to face personal where you get a general reading and may ask questions as I pull cards it’s $100 for an hour.

Gemma owns and uses over 150 different oracle decks, and I allow the Universe and Spirit to choose 15-20 each week for the live readings. If you have a deck preference, then please feel free to request it before you are up for your reading. Thanks! I’ll list the new ones below! I read oracle by channeling from Source and through Spirit and other means I learned a long time ago. I am a physical medium, psychic knower and natural witch, among other things and while I always do the best I can it’s hard to answer specific questions with one randomly chosen card in a stream that is meant for weekly readings. Please feel free to keep reading or contact me through my email [email protected] to get more information about personal readings geared specifically for you.

New Decks This Week:
Gateway to the Liminal Spirits Oracle

Although Oracle Reading is used as a self-counselling tool for spiritual growth and personal development, it is ultimately viewed as a form of Entertainment.

Oracle Reading is subject to interpretation and should not be taken as Absolute. An Oracle Reading is never 100% accurate, therefore it should never be fully trusted. An Oracle Reading does not replace Professional Medical/Legal/Business Opinion and Advice on any occasion, regardless of how convinced you are that your Reading is accurate and the Reader to be trustworthy. If you are suffering severe difficulties in any of the above areas of; health, mental health, legalities and business concerns, you should consult with those professionally qualified to give suitable treatment or advice. An Oracle reading, whether holistic or psychic, may not suffice under the circumstances. Oracle Reading or Teaching will/should not force or compel you to follow a particular course of action or attempt to exert any form of control over your free-will and common sense. Any decisions made, or actions taken by you as a result of your Oracle Reading or advice given, whether you think it from me or the Universe, is solely your own responsibility and has not been forced upon you, by me, your Oracle Reader/message bringer/seer or Teacher. I will not be held legally responsible for same. It is only with the complete understanding and acceptance of the above that an oracle reading or the use of content available through this channel/any readings from me, whether public, personal or otherwise, can be permitted. Neither can I assume any legal liability for any damages or alleged damages, losses, or other direct or indirect consequences of any client decisions/actions, subsequent to, or based on my Oracle Readings or Teachings. Your participation in this site/livestream is subject to the above terms and understanding and is solely at your own risk. You know I love ya- but it’s gotta be said! Love and Light, always…

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