Full Stack Twitter Clone

Full Stack Twitter Clone

Full Stack Twitter Clone

In this tutorial, we will create a FullStack Twitter Clone that allows users to create and post tweets, follow other users, and like, and view their own profiles and the profiles of other users.

► Checkout Course: https://learn.piyushgarg.dev/learn/twitter-clone?COUPON=EARLY_BIRD
► Coupon Code: EARLY_BIRD

► Checkout Detailed Document: https://www.notion.so/piyushgargdev/FullStack-Twitter-Clone-e9ec430db7674d7c92223054037848d7?pvs=4

Tech Stack
► Node.js for our backend code which would be running GraphQL server inside the node.js environment.
► GraphQL for our API, which provides a flexible and efficient way to define our data model and query it.
► Prisma ORM for our database ORM, which provides a type-safe and easy-to-use interface for interacting with our PostgreSQL database.
► PostgreSQL is our database, which is a powerful and reliable relational database system.
► Supabase for hosting and managing cloud Postgresql db.
► Redis for query caching on the server side and increasing query speeds
► Google OAuth for Sign in with Google
► JSON WEB TOKENS for authentication
► Next.js for our front, which is a popular framework for building React applications with server-side rendering and optimized performance.
► Tailwind CSS for styling and reusable components.
► Codegen for typesafe GraphQL queries and mutations.
► Graphql-Request as API client for client-server communication
► React-Query for client-side data caching and query caching
► Typescript to maintain code quality and write type-safe code.
► Amazon Web Services for storage and deployments.

Video Titles
FullStack Twitter Clone
FullStack MERN Application
Twitter Clone Using GraphQL

#nodejs #graphql #postgresql #reactjs #webdevelopment #programming #fullstack #mernstack #serverside #aws

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