Steam Deck – iFixit Joysticks Install

Steam Deck – iFixit Joysticks Install

Steam Deck - iFixit Joysticks Install

iFixit Left Joystick

iFixit Right Joystick

This is a step through guide to replace your Joysticks

This will void warranty from what Valve has described. Please understand if you open the steam deck up in anyway it will possibly void warranty . This also applies if you have upgraded your hard drive inside. We as buyers only have one year warranty from original purchase date.

See the warranty link for further information | Read under ‘1.0 Limited Warranty’ :…

There warranty does not cover drops or screen cracks. Only internal items (defective internal items, i.e. fan, battery, hard drive, sticks, ect and workmanship.

That said there is no current mechanism ,such as, void tape or anything like that showing out right a steam deck has been opened. Only the ability to argue that the clips have been pulled open and the metal tape on the shielding being wrinkled.

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