Shell Scripting PART-02 || Exit status, Conditions, Functions || DevOps with AWS Training

Shell Scripting PART-02 || Exit status, Conditions, Functions || DevOps with AWS Training

Shell Scripting PART-02 || Exit status, Conditions, Functions || DevOps with AWS Training

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I explained exit status, conditions, and functions in shell scripting. In the end, I took one example to use all these concepts practically

In shell scripting, exit status, conditions, and functions are essential concepts that allow you to create robust and efficient scripts.

The exit status is a value that is returned by a command or script when it finishes executing. It indicates whether the command or script was completed successfully or encountered an error. You can use the exit status in conditional statements to determine the flow of your script.

Conditions are used to check if a certain condition is true or false, and then execute certain commands based on the result. Conditional statements are typically written using if/then/else statements, and you can use them to make decisions in your script based on user input or the results of other commands.

Functions are blocks of code that can be reused throughout your script. They allow you to break down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces of code. You can pass parameters to functions and return values from them. Functions make your code more modular and easier to maintain.

To use exit status, conditions, and functions in shell scripting, you first need to understand their syntax and how they work. Once you have a basic understanding, you can start incorporating them into your scripts to make them more efficient and powerful.

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