Skiing Cold Fusion Couloir – Mt Timpanogos, Utah

Skiing Cold Fusion Couloir – Mt Timpanogos, Utah

Skiing Cold Fusion Couloir - Mt Timpanogos, Utah

I got in over my head with this one. I haven’t skied more than 6 days this season (1 long, 5 short tours) and my skills were not up to the challenge of exposed, 45° steep skiing after 5000ft of climbing. The snow turned from ice and hard styrofoam to soft styrofoam, corn, and slush over the course of the day. We left the cars just after 6am and got back just after 5pm. The climb was about 5000ft to where we called it due to bulletproof snow conditions higher on the mountain. I’ll definitely be back to this one, next time with a snowmobile and stronger legs!

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