CFMeetup AMA: Ask Me Anything, with Charlie Arehart and Dan Wilson — ColdFusion Meetup #274

CFMeetup AMA: Ask Me Anything, with Charlie Arehart and Dan Wilson — ColdFusion Meetup #274

CFMeetup AMA: Ask Me Anything, with Charlie Arehart and Dan Wilson -- ColdFusion Meetup #274

Join us for our first “Ask Me Anything” session, with your host Charlie Arehart and recent co-organizer Dan Wilson. We’ll open the floor to any sort of CF-related questions you may have, whether about coding challenges or using CF features, configuration or tuning, deployment, security, the upcoming new CF version, recent CF versions, the future and state of CF, whatever.

Of course, some topics tend to generate more heat than light, so we hope folks will ask questions that may not be merely points of debate (preferences, disappointments, laments). And since we’re not Adobe and don’t speak for them, there are some topics where we won’t be able to offer information that isn’t publicly known. Still, there are many questions asked in the community (in various places) every day, so there are plenty of good questions. Of course, we can even talk about, “where are good places to ask CF questions?”! 🙂

You bring ‘em, we’ll wing ‘em. We’ll even let others hop on to speak/share video/screen, if they feel they have an answer that would be better spoken than written in the chat.

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