WebSocket Security Prototype Project – Setup and run on both GlassFish 4.1 & Tomcat 8

WebSocket Security Prototype Project – Setup and run on both GlassFish 4.1 & Tomcat 8

WebSocket Security Prototype Project - Setup and run on both GlassFish 4.1 & Tomcat 8

00:09 eclipse version used in this tutorial
00:21 using GlassFish 4.1
00:54 using JDK 1.8
01:33 using Tomcat 8
02:05 create a new web project
02:58 code default.html
06:41 start coding ChatroomServerEndpoint
08:30 start GlassFish server and from Admin console add new users to ‘users’ group
11:12 map role-name of ‘user’ to group-name of ‘users’ in glassfish-web.xml
12:12 secure application in web.xml with BASIC Authentication so that only users with role-name of ‘user’ can access it
14:02 finish coding ChatroomServerEndpoint
18:14 test run application on GlassFish Server 4.1
21:40 create a version of this project setup to run on tomcat 8
23:04 use javax.json-1.0.4.jar to do JSON on tomcat 8
23:30 code web.xml for application running on tomcat
24:06 setup new tomcat users using tomcat-users.xml
25:37 test run and debug application on tomcat 8

► get access to members-only video contents + support:
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► download directly:
download ai source code @ https://sites.fastspring.com/prototypeprj/instant/ai
download crypto source code @ https://sites.fastspring.com/prototypeprj/instant/crypto
download source code (old) page # 2 @ https://sites.fastspring.com/prototypeprj/instant/2020
download source code (older) page # 1 @ https://sites.fastspring.com/prototypeprj/instant/all

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