Playdead Inside Gameplay on IOS #3

Playdead Inside Gameplay on IOS #3

Playdead Inside Gameplay on IOS #3

Inside is a puzzle-platform game developed and published by Playdead in 2016 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows. The game was released for iOS in December 2017 and Nintendo Switch in June 2018. A macOS version was released in June 2020. The player controls a boy in a dystopic world, solving environmental puzzles and avoiding death. It is the successor to Playdead’s 2010 Limbo, with similar 2.5D gameplay.

Playdead began work on Inside shortly after the release of Limbo, using Limbo’s custom game engine. The team switched to Unity to simplify development, adding their own rendering routines, later released as open source, to create a signature look. The game was partially funded by a grant from the Danish Film Institute. Inside premiered at Microsoft’s E3 2014 conference, with a planned release in 2015, but was delayed to 2016.

Inside was released to critical acclaim. Critics noted it as an improvement over Limbo, praising its art direction, atmosphere and gameplay. The game was nominated for numerous accolades, including game of the year, and won several independent and technical achievements. As with Limbo, Inside is included on multiple lists of the best video games as compiled by game journalists.


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