How to complete your ICANN RAA verification | ResellerClub

How to complete your ICANN RAA verification | ResellerClub

How to complete your ICANN RAA verification | ResellerClub

RAA stands for Registrar Accreditation Agreement, it came into being in 2013. ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) RAA is an agreement of ICANN with the domain registry that sells domain names to resellers and individuals.

Once a domain name is registered, you have to setup and link your contact information with that domain. After which the registry that handles your particular domain is required by the RAA to prove the validity of your submitted contact details. The registry then attempts to contact you to complete the verification process via email.

Completing ICANN RAA verification process for a domain is very important as not verifying RAA could lead to domain name being deactivated as per the policies of ICANN.
This video shows you how to complete your ICANN registrar accreditation agreement verification in simple steps:

After registering your domain name (…) with ResellerClub(, login to your control panel
Go to the Overview panel, and in the Product tab click on ‘List all Orders’
You will be redirected to a page that has all your registered domain names
Click on the domain name whose RAA you wish to verify
Another page opens up and you can see the Overview section, scroll below and you will find Domain Registration section
In the domain registration section, you will see a notification that says ‘Pending Verification.’ as per ICANN, RAA verification is extremely important and the registrant should verify it within the first 15 days of registering the domain, else the domain would be suspended
Login to your registrant email id and you’ll find an email that includes the RAA verification link
Click on the link, and click the Proceed button
Your RAA verification has been successful
To check once again, login to your control panel and go to the domain registration section, the notification would not be there anymore

Verifying your domain name’s RAA is a very simple process and extremely important to prove the validity of your submitted contact details.

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