Installing Linux on a 10 year old laptop! (Zorin OS)

Installing Linux on a 10 year old laptop! (Zorin OS)

Installing Linux on a 10 year old laptop! (Zorin OS)

Installing Linux on a 10 year old laptop! (Zorin OS)
I got an old laptop. It is 10 years old, and even back then, it was pretty slow.
I was wondering if installing a Linux distro like Zorin OS could give it a new life.

Intro 00:00
Laptop 01:51
Deciding what Linux distro to install 02:50
Downloading Zorin OS 04:12
Installing Balena Etcher 05:16
BIOS Setup 05:47
Installing Zorin OS 06:58
Zorin OS Tour 08:43

Official Zorin OS Website:
Download Balena Etcher:
32 Bit Linux Distros Article:

#Linux #ZorinOS #Restorations #Windows #Tech #Technology #Software #Computers #PC #Laptop #OS #Hardware

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