UDP Unity & NodeJS (Server and Client)

UDP Unity & NodeJS (Server and Client)

UDP Unity & NodeJS (Server and Client)

This Video is an example on how to create a UDP Server using NodeJS and a C# UDP Client on Unity.

If you didn’t understand something or looking for the source cod, this article have it all

For downloading and installing NodeJS on Mac or Windows https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UYe5aMHXfs

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Medium Articles: https://ahmedschrute.medium.com/
Github: https://github.com/ah1053/
Unity & NodeJS : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13HnJPstnDM&list=PLtApnquOwq3v_hb1WMdXHdpScp2iMIxl6

UDP Server(01:15)
UDP Client (08:17) .

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