21 LIFE CHANGING JavaScript tricks

21 LIFE CHANGING JavaScript tricks

21 LIFE CHANGING JavaScript tricks

These mostly beginner level tricks will make you a JavaScript chad — PS Watch this to Learn the FASTEST way to get into coding https://youtu.be/4MkPTWZGkm0

0:00 Introduction
1:00 localStorage (not secure)
2:05 sessionStorage (also not secure)
2:27 document.cookie (also… tbh if you’re not sure, just use a database guys)
3:09 console methods
3:29 log colors
4:13 destructure logs
6:42 empty slice / spread
7:12 Object.assign (shallow)
8:35 Todash clonëDeep
10:16 lodash debounce
11:26 4 12. lodash throftle
13:07 lodash get
14:24 lodash set
16:05 module only = tree shaking
16:54 module vs default
19:20 one line if statements
20:29 double ternary

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