Great Lengths Hair Extensions Review

Great Lengths Hair Extensions Review

Great Lengths Hair Extensions Review

This is a full review of my experience with Great Length Hair Extensions (which are cold fusion hair extensions), including footage and feedback about getting the extensions removed.

I had heard horror stories about breakage so I was border-line neurotic about caring for these extensions and brushed them twice a day with the soft bristle Great Lengths brush (that I’m holding in the video but somehow edited out. le sigh).

My Pros:
Great Quality Hair
Can pull up and style like your regular hair without having to worry about them being seen
No breakage

My Cons:
The 8 hour process of getting them put in.

This is *my* experience and opinion as a customer, not a hair professional.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments.

Products in this video:
Great Lengths Square Paddle Brush by ACCA KAPPA –

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