Shell Scripting Best Practise | How To Write a Good Shell Script? | MPrashant

Shell Scripting Best Practise | How To Write a Good Shell Script? | MPrashant

Shell Scripting Best Practise | How To Write a Good Shell Script? | MPrashant

#linux #linuxtutorial #shellscripting #mprashant @MPrashant

In this video, I’m going to show you the best practise for writing good Shell Scripts. I’ll cover topics like basic syntax, variables and functions, and practical examples to help you write more effective Shell Scripts.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced Shell Script developer, this video is a must-watch. I hope you find it helpful and that it helps you write better Shell Scripts!

In this video, I’ll show you how to write effective Shell Scripts by demonstrating a real-world example. After watching this video, you’ll be able to write good Shell Scripts that can be used for all sorts of tasks!

Other Videos on Shell Scripting

Shell Scripting in One Video –
Shell Scripting Part-II –
Shell SCripting Crash Course –
Shell Scripting Project1 –
Shell Scripting Project2 –

00:00 Intro
00:15 Use Comments
01:03 Proper Naming Convention for Variables
01:33 Local or Readonly Variables
02:28 Use quotes for Strings
03:00 Exit script with return code
03:50 Consider Options for logging
05:08 Use Conditions to check requirements
06:15 Use Functions to resue the code
07:12 Use Indentation
07:56 Perform Dry Run for shell script
08:36 enable debugging
09:33 set -u
10:25 set -e


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