Dangling DNS! What it is and how to protect against the attacks!

Dangling DNS! What it is and how to protect against the attacks!

Dangling DNS! What it is and how to protect against the attacks!

In this video I explore a potential big issue for your organization, Dangling DNS and what you can do to protect and mitigate.

00:00 Introduction and custom DNS use
10:55 Dangling DNS problem
15:18 What we can do
16:26 App Service protections
18:12 Azure DNS alias set protection
19:48 Process to search and find dangling DNS
22:24 Summary

Microsoft Dangling DNS Doc – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/security/fundamentals/subdomain-takeover
Scanning tool – https://github.com/Azure/Azure-Network-Security/tree/master/Cross%20Product/DNS%20-%20Find%20Dangling%20DNS%20Records

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