Dependency Injection in ASP.NET 6 | Register a Service

Dependency Injection in ASP.NET 6 | Register a Service

Dependency Injection in ASP.NET 6 | Register a Service

Do you want to build code that is Highly Maintainable, Testable, Loosely coupled? Look no further Microsoft has designed its ASP.NET 6 with Dependency Injection at it’s foundation.

This 5 Video Series will take you from a beginner to a Ninja. In this video we will demystify what Dependency Injection is, Inversion of Control, Dependency Inversion Principle, Dependency Injection Container .

We will start from scratch with an API project that has no Dependency Injection. We will implement Dependency Injection all the way to registering it in a Dependency Injection Container

The Source code for this project can be accessed here:


👉Minimal API .NET 6 Crash Course | GET,POST,PUT,CREATE

👉Building a complete ASP.NET 6 API From Start to Finish

Full Playlist Here :

Video Breakdown:

1. Explaining an API to a six year old

2.Creating and Running an ASP.NET Core API in one minute 2022

3.How to Create an API Controller in ASP.NET 6 Core API 2022

4.Dependency Injection and the Repository Pattern inASP.NET 6

5.CRUD (GET) with a .NET 6 Web API & Entity Framework Core 2022

6. Data Transfer Object with AutoMapper (Object to Object Mapper) | ASP.NET Core 6 REST API 2022

7.How to Implement POST Endpoint in ASP.NET CORE 6 API

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00:00 Introduction
01:11 What is Dependency Injection in .NET Core?
01:45 Why Use Containers?
03:13 Dependency Injection is the foundation of Dot Net Core Application
04:05 Creating an Web API in Visual Studio 2022 that has no Dependency Injection
12:16 Testing API without Dependency Injection
12:35 How can we improve our code with Dependency Injection
15:43 Refactoring our Code to implement Dependency Injection
18:54 Testing our refactored code that has implemented Dependency Injection
19:50 Registering our service in the Dependency Injection Container
21:33 Swapping Dependency Injection Implementations
24:45 Final Words and Call to action

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