Troubleshooting Plans: P1-Root Cause Analysis/Caching Probs – Kimberly L. Tripp

Troubleshooting Plans: P1-Root Cause Analysis/Caching Probs – Kimberly L. Tripp

Troubleshooting Plans: P1-Root Cause Analysis/Caching Probs - Kimberly L. Tripp

One of the most common “false positives” that people see when troubleshooting query plans is that updating statistics “fixes” a problem. In this first session, we’ll decipher the ACTUAL problem – caching or statistics?

Speaker: Kimberly L. Tripp
Speaker Blog:
Speaker BIO: Kimberly L. Tripp works as a Speaker, Writer, Trainer and Consultant for, which she founded in 1995 after leaving Microsoft, and currently runs with her husband, Paul Randal.

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