Bruce Gray – "Your Perl 5 Brain, on Perl 6"

Bruce Gray – "Your Perl 5 Brain, on Perl 6"

Bruce Gray - "Your Perl 5 Brain, on Perl 6"

In which I detail the Perl 6 elements that have most changed my Perl 5 coding, and share the Perl 5 techniques I have adopted.

I eat, sleep, live, and breathe Perl!

Consultant and Contract Programmer Frequent PerlMongers speaker Dedicated Shakespeare theater-goer Armchair Mathematician Author of Blue_Tiger, a tool for modernizing Perl.

36 years coding 22 years Perl 16 years Married 15 YAPCs 7 Hackathons 3 PerlWhirls Perl interests: Refactoring, Perl Idioms / Micropatterns, RosettaCode, and Perl 6.

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