HighTowerArmory HTA 90/22 Norrell full auto 10/22 machine gun integrally suppressed

HighTowerArmory HTA 90/22 Norrell full auto 10/22 machine gun integrally suppressed

HighTowerArmory HTA 90/22 Norrell full auto 10/22 machine gun integrally suppressed

Here’s a quick video of us testing the HTA stock. Stock was great to use. The few jams we had were bad/dud ammo. Using Remington Golden bullets for most part. Host weapon is a Norrell 10/22 full auto trigger pack with an integrally suppressed Green Mtn. barrel by STW. Barrel is 5.8″ and total over barrel length is 14″. Just barely sticks out of this stock. Had a couple of other FA toys out as well but concentrated on the HTA’s ergonomics. (yes my fingers were pretty worn at the end of video, between the 90/22 and m11/22 I think I went through 1500rds hand loading the mags; good thing it didn’t fall into the pond!).

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