124 gitStream (Way Faster ColdFusion Git Merging) with Luke Kilpatrick

124 gitStream (Way Faster ColdFusion Git Merging) with Luke Kilpatrick

124 gitStream (Way Faster ColdFusion Git Merging) with Luke Kilpatrick

Luke Kilpatrick talks about “gitStream (way faster ColdFusion Git Merging)” in this episode of ColdFusion Alive Podcast with host Michaela Light.

Show notes
What is Git?
Why should all CFers be using it?
Top CF source control software

GitHub was is made by Microsoft now
What are Branches, Pull Requests and Merges
Branches of the code tree
Code edit conflicts – merge required
Most edits in different parts of the code base usually don’t need a merge with humans
Risk of breaking the build
CI – Continuous Integration
CD – Continuous development – automated testing (TDD)
Pull request (PR) is the request to do the merge + code review
More rapid deployment cycles on the cloud
Why do Merges suck in most companies?
Waiting on humans to do the code review, who is best to review this change? 
Getting up to speed on that particular part of the code and why the change was made

How does gitStream help? 
It analyses the pull request
Uses CM YAML file to decide
Types of change
Small change – auto-approve
Standard change – who will review
Critical change – to core code
Who is the best person to review
Tags the PR
Compare to triage at hospital ER department
Small branches
Fast PRs
PR 100% faster (average time from 7 days to 3.5 days)
Visibility and statistics on merge times
gitStream features
Triage of PRs
Estimated time to review
Works with VS Code
Stateful labels, color coding
What does gitStream cost? 
gitStream is free for all
Reporting etc is free for upto 8 developers
Paid Entreprise features beyond this
Hack-tober fest support for spam PRs
Is this just for commercial repos or can open source projects use it too? Any GitHub hosted repo
GitHub marketplace
Adding to GitLabs, BitBucket etc
VS Code extension

Mentioned in this episode
Continuous Merge, a way to categorize and speed up code reviews on GitHub
Hacktoberfest and gitStream 
Is DevRel forgetting the people who run software in production? — Luke Kilpatrick and Mark Lavi – YouTube


Luke Kilpatrick started as a web developer in 1996, transitioning to building developer programs in 2010 with VMware. He has led or worked on developer experience teams at Sencha, Atlassian, Nutanix, Hazelcast and now at LinearB, working to improve the developer experience and speed up code reviews. Luke has managed and spoken at developer events worldwide, with highlights being Atlassian Appweek, Nutanix .NEXT, DevRelCon and /Data’s Future Developer Summit. He lives in California, where he spends his spare time, on or under the ocean.

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