U.D.P. Says It Is Ready To Take Action Against Briceño Administration Alongside Joint Unions

U.D.P. Says It Is Ready To Take Action Against Briceño Administration Alongside Joint Unions

U.D.P. Says It Is Ready To Take Action Against Briceño Administration Alongside Joint Unions

Visit youtube.com/gbtvfeed for the live stream of the entire newscast, or visit www.channel5belize.com for a text transcript.

Meanwhile, the United Democratic Party says it is supporting the joint unions. In a press release on Tuesday, the Opposition expressed that it supports the unions’ fight for better working and living conditions. The release cites matters related to public borrowing, public health, promised legislations under Plan Belize that are yet to be passed, inflation, and price gouging. The party called on the Briceño Administration to, “lower the price of gas, bring back the increments and resupply our hospitals or face the wrath of the people”. Today, we spoke with Moses ‘Shyne’ Barrow, the Leader of the Opposition, about his party’s position. .

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