【UTAU RELEASE】 Dethroning of the Party Queen 【Roselle ENG】+UST/VSQx/VB

【UTAU RELEASE】 Dethroning of the Party Queen 【Roselle ENG】+UST/VSQx/VB

【UTAU RELEASE】 Dethroning of the Party Queen 【Roselle ENG】+UST/VSQx/VB

“What am I supposed to be without?”

Turn on CC for English subs!

Happy Valentine’s Day y’all! I’m proud to release Roselle English today!

This song showed up in my Discover Weekly and it was such an earworm to me. I thought the song would be perfect for Roselle. I thank god for finding Ultimate Vocal Remover, it’s gonna make my life much easier from now on.

Roselle is Cherilee’s true identity. She was once a very powerful mafia leader in Circle 7 of Hell, but due to a major rivalry incident, she faked her death and assumed a new identity as Cherilee. Cheri’s hairpins are actually a magical item that disguises her real appearance; when removed, Roselle comes back out.

I don’t know how unique Roselle sounds but I guess that just happens once you get to my number of UTAUs. Sounding kinda similar to other characters I voice is part of the joke.

Download Roselle here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/fm1jeyfpeou3kxc/Roselle_ENG.zip/file

Roselle’s wiki page: http://utau.wikidot.com/utau:roselle

Roselle’s fandom wiki page: https://utau.fandom.com/wiki/Roselle

Roselle’s UtaForum entry: https://utaforum.net/showcase/roselle.1086/

Terms of Use: https://www.utaubackwards.com/terms-of-use

UTAU Website: https://www.utaubackwards.com

If you use the UST or VSQx, be sure to credit me!

UST: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f6bsls9xgkstzbj/Dethroning%20Of%20The%20Party%20Queen%20UST.zip?dl=0

VSQx: https://www.dropbox.com/s/brgcynsjm02ua7h/Dethroning%20Of%20The%20Party%20Queen%20VSQx.zip?dl=0

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Original Song: Rosalie Cunningham
UST: GraySlate
Roselle, PV, art, mix, additional balls: GraySlate

#UTAU #Roselle #UST

You can find me on all these sites: https://linktr.ee/GraySlate

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