Setup godaddy domain name for google cloud wordpress hosting

Setup godaddy domain name for google cloud wordpress hosting

Setup godaddy domain name for google cloud wordpress hosting

#googlecloud #godaddy #domain
A tutorial how to setup or transfer godaddy domain name to google cloud hosting vm instance. This is done for wordpress hosting on the gcp server. All you need is the A name, name server from the google cloud platform and a domain name from godaddy.

1. Go to compute engine – vm instance to get the site external ip
2. Go to Network – Cloud DNS to setup the DNS settings
3. Create A name and paste the external IP
4. Go to godaddy DNS setup
5. Edit the A name in Godaddy and paste the external ip again
6. Add all the google cloud name server on the godaddy dns configuration
7. Once all that done its good to go

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