Reading and Writing in SQLite – Saving Data in iOS –

Reading and Writing in SQLite – Saving Data in iOS –

Reading and Writing in SQLite -  Saving Data in iOS -

This video will show you the basics of reading and writing data to SQLite in Swift.

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XML is a markup language that allows you to describe the structure of a document’s data entirely in text, using tags that you can arbitrarily define. (“XML” stands for “Extensible Markup Language”.) The rules governing the structure are specified in a language schema such as DTD (Document Type Definition). Cocoa provides a class, NSXMLParser, whose instances are event-driven parsers (sometimes called streaming parsers) that sequentially find the constructs of an XML document as well as any associated DTD declarations. They report what they find to a delegate, and it is up to the delegate to do something with this data. This document explains how to use NSXMLParser.

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