The Null Conundrum: A Guide to Optional Objects in C#

The Null Conundrum: A Guide to Optional Objects in C#

The Null Conundrum: A Guide to Optional Objects in C#

In this video, we are examining the impact of nullable references on the functionality of a program, including its structure and expressiveness. We will then delve into the topic of optional objects in C#, objects which are designed to either represent an existing object, or an object that is missing at run time – missing, but never null!

You will learn how you can design your own lightweight Option type in no more than a few lines of code. What comes at much higher cost than implementing the Option type is using it in an object-oriented design. You will learn how to handle situations where a value may or may not exist, but the caller never knows which of the two situations it is solving. So many puzzles!

But if you persist, if you accept the practice of using optional objects in place of null references, you will witness the birth of a rock-solid design with great flexibility attained with very little code. What else can one expect? There will be no null references in the final design, but also no null checks nor null guards. And with them, the danger of the dreaded NullReferenceException will also vanish.

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