Enable SSL for Custom Domain Name | Azure Services for hosting web application

Enable SSL for Custom Domain Name | Azure Services for hosting web application

Enable SSL for Custom Domain Name | Azure Services for hosting web application

In this video “Enable SSL for Custom Domain Name | Azure Services for hosting web application”
, we will be learning and exploring in-depth the various aspects of Microsoft Azure. Each video is dedicated to a specific concept in Azure. Please subscribe to our channel to stay updated about the latest from us. Don’t forget to leave your comment about the videos.

Topics covered:

Enable SSL for your custom domain
Step 1: Get the Certificate for the custom domain from the Certificate Authority
Generate a self-signed certificate using makecert.exe
1. Search makecert.exe in C: Program Files x86 Microsoft SDKs Windows
2. Run command prompt as administrator
3. Go to the folder of makecert.exe after knowing the same from step 1
4. Run the following command
5. From the Start Menu or Start Screen, search for Windows PowerShell, and start this application.

Step 2: Configure Standard pricing tier:
Enabling HTTPS for a custom domain is only available for the Standard tier and above in Azure App Service. Use the following steps to switch your App Service plan to the S2 Standard tier.
1. App Services  Select App Service  Settings  App Service Plan  Pricing Tier  S2 Standard

Step 3: Configure SSL in your App
3. App Services  Select App Service  Settings  SSL Settings
4. In the certificates section, click Upload
5. Upload the pfx file and specify the password
6. In the SSL bindings section of the SSL Settings tab, use the dropdowns to select the domain name to secure with SSL, and the certificate to use. You may also select whether to use Server Name Indication SNI or IP based SSL.

Step 4 Optional: Enforce HTTPS on your app
If the application is developed using ASP.NET MVC, you can use the filter RequireHttps.
Alternatively, you can add the following to web.config:
How SSL Works:
1. The browser goes to the server and finds who is the registrar.
2. It will go to the registrar store and get the client certificate of that domain.
3. All data before sending it to the server is encrypted using the public key in the certificate.
4. The server receives the request and decrypts the data using the private key in the certificate.

This video was compiled by Mr. Sandeep Soni, a Microsoft Certified Trainer and an Azure Solution Architect. Know more – https://www.bestdotnettraining.com/sandeepsoni

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For Corporate Training requests, please contact Mr. Soni @ +91 9849001840, or email him to [email protected].
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