ListView | How to use Listview Control in C# | c# listview | List View in C#

ListView | How to use Listview Control in C# | c# listview | List View in C#

ListView | How to use Listview Control in C# | c# listview | List View in C#

C# ListView
C# ListView control provides an interface to display a list of items using different views including text, small images, and large images. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create and use a ListView control in C#. We will also see how to create multiple views of ListView items. This article also covers most of the common properties and methods of the ListView control.

In this video tutorial we are going to learn how to use listview control in c# visual studio 2019.
Listview is a very important control in c#. It is used to create more dynamic application in c#
visual studio.
List view lets us show and arrange data in sorted manner.
#Listview #CSharp #Visual-studio #tutorial #forbeginners #CsharpListview #ListviewControl #ListviewInCSharp

C# ListView

C# ListView control provides an interface to display a list of items using different views including text, small images, and large images. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create and use a ListView control in C#. We will also see how to create multiple views of ListView items. This article also covers most of the common properties and methods of the ListView control.

Creating a C# ListView

There are two approaches to create a ListView control in Windows Forms. Either we can use the Forms designer to create a control at design-time or we can use the ListView class to create a control at run-time.

ListView at Design-time

In our first approach, we are going to create a ListView control at design-time using the Forms designer.

To create a ListView control at design-time, we simply drag and drop a ListView control from the Toolbox onto a Form in Visual Studio. After you drag and drop a ListView onto a Form, the ListView looks like Figure 1. Once a ListView is on the Form, you can move it around and resize it using the mouse and set its properties and events.

ListView at Run-time
The ListView class represents a ListView control in Windows Forms. To create a ListView control at run-time, we create an instance of the ListView class, set its properties and add a ListView object to the Form controls.
The first step to create a dynamic ListView is to create an instance of the ListView class.

Once the ListView control is ready with its properties, the next step is to add the ListView to a Form. To do so, we use the Form.Controls.Add method that adds a ListView control to the Form controls and displays it on the Form based on the location and size of the control. The following code snippet adds a ListView control to the current Form.

C# ListView Control
The ListView control is an ItemsControl that is derived from ListBox.
Add Columns in ListView

You can add columns in Listview by using Columns.Add() method. This method takes two arguments, first one is the Column heading and second one the column width.
In the above code, “ProductName” is column heading and 100 is column width.
Add Item in Listview
You can add items in listbox using ListViewItem which represents an item in a ListView control.

How to use Listview Control in C# | Using List view control in c# visual studio | c# Listview
How to use Listview Control in C# | Using List view control in c# visual studio | c# Listview
How to use Listview Control in C# | Using List view control in c# visual studio | c# Listview
How to use Listview Control in C# | Using List view control in c# visual studio | c# Listview
How to use Listview Control in C# | Using List view control in c# visual studio | c# Listview

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