Improve SQL queries – Database Engine Tuning Advisor in MSSQL

Improve SQL queries – Database Engine Tuning Advisor in MSSQL

Improve SQL queries - Database Engine Tuning Advisor in MSSQL

In this SQL server video, we look at the Database Engine Tuning Advisor (DTA). You can improve SQL performance and improve the response time from SQL Server query optimizer. We are going to use Northwind database, execute some SQL queries, run a SQL Profiler trace, load up this data into the Database SQL Tuning advisor and review the query recommendations.

In this manner, we are able to improve SQL performance but over 60% by using simple strategies like creating missing indexes. We also cover some of the advanced tuning options, physical design structures and review choices that are recommended by the SQL Advisor. Within the profiler, we look at things like CPU, number of reads, writes and the MSSQL query duration.

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