SSU neutralizes enemy intelligence network in Kremenchuk,which tried to find HIMARS and S300 systems

SSU neutralizes enemy intelligence network in Kremenchuk,which tried to find HIMARS and S300 systems

SSU neutralizes enemy intelligence network in Kremenchuk,which tried to find HIMARS and S300 systems

As a result of a multi-stage special operation in Poltava oblast, the SSU neutralized an agent network of the FSB.

The special service of the aggressor state tried to collect information on critical infrastructure facilities in the region and units of the Defence Forces involved in their protection.

The agents were looking for intelligence on combat positions of S-300 air defense systems and missile and artillery depots of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

They were also trying to identify locations of HIMARS and M777 long-range howitzers.

In case of detection of Ukrainian military targets, russian agents planned to destroy them by arson and blowing up ammunition. If they obtained information on a significant concentration of military equipment and accurate geographical coordinates, they were to pass the data for russian troops to carry out a missile strike.

Russian handlers promised their accomplices to pay from USD 20,000 for destroying foreign or Ukrainian weapons.

The money was to be received on specially opened bank cards immediately after successful completion of enemy assignments.

However, the SSU prevented sabotage – by timely exposing, documenting and stopping the activity of the enemy agent network in Kremenchuk.

The group included two IDPs from the east of Ukraine, recruited by a representative of the so-called ‘DNR ministry of state security’ Dmytro Zipir.

Staying in the temporarily occupied Donetsk, he coordinated his agents in Poltava region and ‘reported’ on their activity to the FSB.

Based on the collected evidence, SSU investigators served Zipir a notice of suspicion under the Article 113 of the CCU (sabotage).

His activity will also be qualified under the Articles of the CCU:

• 111.2 (high treason);
• 111-1.7 (collaboration);
• 260.2 (participation in unlawful armed formations).

The agent handler from the so-called ‘DNR ministry of state security’ is currently hiding from justice in the temporarily occupied part of Donetsk region.

The SSU has established his location and is acting to bring the suspect to justice.

SSU investigators will also qualify the actions of other accomplices in the documented crime.

The SSU Poltava Office carried out the special operation under the procedural supervision of the regional Prosecutor’s Office.

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