SSIS Packages Introductions

SSIS Packages Introductions

SSIS Packages Introductions

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by Jayanth@techytube

This video shows how to create a simple SSIS package. SSIS or SQL Server integration services are Microsoft SQL Servers ETL tools that come out of the box with SQL Server. It is a shared component and therefore installed only once per server. SSIS is used to created ETL (extract transform and load) workflows as part of loading data or extracting data from the database. However SSIS is much more powerful and can be used for a variety of operation than just a simple extract and load. This video introduces the user to SSIS basics such as control flow and data flow tasks, how to create the project and create a simple workflow to extract data from a source database table into a CSV file. This is the first video in a series that will build on top of each other to provide the user with a comprehensive understanding of the capabilities of SSIS.
The video contains step by step instructions on how create the package along with explanations on what each step means. The user is encouraged to start with this video and progress thru the series to get a better understanding of how to create SSIS pacakges.

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