VSCode: Create a Minimal & Colorful Terminal Prompt! (for Mac)

VSCode: Create a Minimal & Colorful Terminal Prompt! (for Mac)

VSCode: Create a Minimal & Colorful Terminal Prompt! (for Mac)

In this video, I’m gonna show how, on VSCode for Mac, you can take your long-ass, ugly-ass terminal prompt and customize it into a minimal, colorful prompt that only shows your current folder & a dollar symbol.

We’re gonna do this using the zsh shell.

👉 Xterm Color Chart: https://jonasjacek.github.io/colors/
👉 My Courses: https://dannys.link/courses
👉 Download Fudget: https://www.fudget.com
👉 My VSCode Setup: https://dannys.link/vscodesetup
👉 DONT CLICK THIS: https://dannys.link/dontclick

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