Creamy Tom Yum Soup 冬蔭功湯

Creamy Tom Yum Soup 冬蔭功湯

Creamy Tom Yum Soup 冬蔭功湯


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Creamy Tom Yum Soup

1 lb shrimps
30g oyster mushrooms
2 stalks lemongrass
7 to 8 sliced galangal
3 red chili
6 lime leaves
2 cups shrimp stock
2 to 3 tablespoons fish sauce
3 to 4 tablespoon Thai chili paste
1/2 cup evaporated milk
2 tablespooons lime juice


1. Remove shrimp head, devein, and peel the shrimp.

2. Add shrimp head and shell into a dutch pot, stir fry for 1 to 2 minutes over medium high heat. Press the shrimp head with spatula to extract the goodies from the heads. Pour in 3 cups of water and bring to simmer. Reduce heat to medium and cook for 15 minutes.

3. Cut galangal in 7 to 8 pieces; cut off the upper stem and root end of lemongrass, remove outer layers, pound and bruised; Bruise red chili and tear lime leaves apart.

4. Drain the shrimp stock then add lemongrass, galangal, lime leaves, red chili and cook for 5 minutes over medium heat. Add fish sauce and evaporated milk then mix well. Add Thai chili paste, stir well then add oyster mushroom and cook for 1 minute.

5. Add shrimp, cook for 30 seconds to 1 minute and turn off the heat. Pour in the lime juice, garnish with chopped cilentro and serve.


一磅 大白蝦
30克 鮑魚菇
兩枝 香茅
7-8片 南薑
6片 檸檬葉
3條 紅辣椒
兩杯 蝦高湯

2-3湯匙 魚露
3-4湯匙 泰式辣椒醬
1/2杯 淡奶
兩湯匙 青檸汁

1. 把蝦頭、蝦腸及蝦殼去掉。(蝦頭蝦殼留待備用)

2. 蝦頭蝦殼放入鍋裡,中大火乾炒一分鐘,把蝦膏壓出,然後倒入3杯水煮至微滾。 調至中火煮15分鐘,然後把蝦殼蝦頭盛起, 蝦高湯就完成了。

3. 香茅去除青葉部份,切掉底部一小段然後把外葉剝開。用刀背拍打香茅幾下,較易釋出香味,然後切段。南薑切7-8片備用。檸檬葉撕開一半及把紅辣椒輕微ngat扁備用。將青檸檬切半,榨出兩湯匙汁備用。

4. 把香茅、南薑、檸檬葉及紅辣椒加入蝦高湯煮5分鐘,然後加入魚露及淡奶攪均勻。加入泰式辣椒醬攪均勻然後倒入鮑魚菇煮一分鍾。最後倒入蝦煮30秒至一分鐘然後關火,加入青檸汁。

5. 灑少許芫茜碎即可。

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