Quickly Install FreeRadius on CentOS 7 and Do a Basic Configuration

Quickly Install FreeRadius on CentOS 7 and Do a Basic Configuration

Quickly Install FreeRadius on CentOS 7 and Do a Basic Configuration

A quick simple video to show the steps how to install FreeRADIUS into CentOS 7. A basic configuration and testing also executed in this video to demonstrate how it is working.

1. Install FreeRadius:
yum install freeradius freeradius-utils freeradius-mysql freeradius-perl –y
systemctl start radiusd
systemctl enable radiusd
2. Configuration
2.1 create a client
2.2 create a user
2.3 testing from CentOS 7 itself : radtest bob hello 0 testing123
2.4 testing from remote using third party tool: NTRadPing

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